Creating & Testing an MVP
Module objectives overview
Our Creating & Testing an MVP module introduces students to the key concepts and practices of developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and iterative design in product development. Students apply these stages throughout their leadership of their localised Shoebox Christmas project.
Understanding MVP and Iteration: The module begins by introducing the concepts of MVP and iteration, laying the foundation for their roles in product development. Students will learn the benefits of creating an MVP and understand the importance of iterative development in refining a product based on user feedback and market demand.
Identifying Key Features and Prioritising for MVP: The course continues by equipping students with the skills to identify the key features of an MVP and prioritise them effectively. This includes the ability to define an MVP for a given product or service example, promoting a practical understanding of the concept.
Creating and Testing an MVP: The final chapter guides students in using their user journey to create an MVP, providing hands-on experience in MVP development. Testing the MVP with users is also covered, enabling students to gather and use feedback in the development process. As a practical application of these skills, students will create and test an MVP version of their user journey for a real-life project, the Shoebox Christmas project.